Prescription Drugs

All medical plans administer prescription drug coverage through CVS Caremark.

Drug Tiers

  • Generic: Affordable and effective alternative to a brand name drug, typically the lowest cost option.
  • Preferred brand drugs: Typically cost more than generics but less than other brand-name drugs because of their preferred status due to their clinical value and cost-effectiveness.
  • Nonpreferred and brand name drugs: Cost more than a preferred brand drug would because of their non-preferred status.
  • Specialty: Expensive drugs used to treat complex, chronic or rare medical conditions. Typically, these can only be filled by a specialty pharmacy.

Plan Costs

The cost for prescription drugs depends on the tier of drug and quantity you fill.

All our medical plans offer no-cost programs for specialty, asthma and diabetes medications.

Retail vs. Mail Order

Typically, retail pharmacies are used for filling 30-day prescriptions. However, you may be able to order a 90-day supply of maintenance medications — either at a retail pharmacy or through mail order.

The advantage to using mail order for 90-day prescriptions is convenience—your prescription is delivered to your door with an auto-refill option.

Cost for 30-Day Supply

Allegiance CDP Johns Hopkins EPO Allegiance OAP Johns Hopkins PPO
Generic You pay 10% up to $10 $10 copay You pay 10% up to $10 $10 copay
Preferred You pay 20% up to $600 You pay 25%; min
$40, max $60
You pay 20% up to $200 $40 copay
Brand & Non-Preferred1 You pay 40% up to $400 You pay 50%; min $65, max $105 You pay 20% up to $200 $65 copay
Specialty You pay 30%, or $0 if enrolled in PrudentRx You pay 30%, or $0 if enrolled in PrudentRx You pay 30%, or $0 if enrolled in PrudentRx You pay 30%, or $0 if enrolled in PrudentRx

Cost for 90-Day Supply

Allegiance CDP Johns Hopkins EPO Allegiance OAP Johns Hopkins PPO
Generic You pay 10% up to $15 $30 copay You pay 10% up to $15 Retail: $30 copay
Mail order: $20 copay
Preferred You pay 20% up to $600 You pay 25%; min $120, max $180 You pay 20% up to $600 Retail: $120 copay
Mail order: $80 copay
Brand & Non-Preferred1 You pay 40% up to $1,200 You pay 50%; min $195, max $315 You pay 20% up to $600 Retail: $195 copay
Mail order: $130 copay
Specialty Not covered Not covered Not covered Not covered
  1. If you choose a brand name drug when there’s a generic alternative, you’ll also pay the cost difference between the two.

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No-Cost Programs for Specialty, Asthma and Diabetes Medications

The following programs are available with all medical plan options.

No-Pay Copay for Asthma & Diabetes Medications

The No-Pay Copay benefit will waive the copay for most asthma and diabetes medications
if you’re enrolled in the Allegiance Nurse Health Coaching program or the Johns Hopkins Employer Health Program’s (EHP) Care Management program.

In each program, you’ll work one-on-one to:

  • Evaluate your wellness and personal needs
  • Coordinate your health care
  • Improve self-management of your condition

To learn more and enroll, contact:

PrudentRx Specialty Medication Program

You can get certain specialty medications at no cost through the PrudentRx program. Prescriptions must be filled at a CVS Specialty Pharmacy or Publix.

You can view the current list of eligible medications under the PrudentRx program. This list is updated monthly, so please check it regularly for any changes.

You’re automatically enrolled in the PrudentRx program if you take any eligible medications. If you choose to opt out of the program, you’ll pay 30% coinsurance (after the deductible) for your medication. View the FAQs for more information.

Note: If you contributed a certain amount to your health care flexible spending Account (FSA) based on your specialty medication’s eligibility, and the medication is added or dropped from the list, you’ll be allowed to make changes to your health care FSA election.